Mini-grids solar PV Systems

Solar PV mini-grid as an electrification solution offers financial benefit over the costly transmission expansion required to electrify rural areas throughout Africa.

Improving Energy Access in Rural Africa

Mini-grids provide reliable, predictable power supply for rural Africa that has low electrification.

Powering Rural Africa

Solar mini-grids offer the most widely applicable and viable mechanism to provide electricity for under-served rural areas of Africa, where sunlight is abundant through most of the year. The generated electricity is supplied – directly or indirectly via batteries – to clients who are connected to this mini-grid electricity network. A group of people who live close to each other, in for instance a village, can be easily connected to the grid.

Advantages of a mini-grid

  1. Provides a higher power level
  2. Little maintenance
  3. No emission of pollutants
  4. No dependence on the import of diesel

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